Integrate Matomo (Piwik) with Joomla!
Matomo, formerly Piwik is a free and open source web analytics application. It tracks online visits to one or more websites and displays reports on these visits for analysis.
It is a good alternative for Google Analytics which protects users data and privacy.
Joomla is open source platform for Content Management System (CMS). You can build your websites easily using Joomla and it comes with number of free plugins which can be used out-of-the-box to quickly create and publish your website on the internet.
In this article we will see how to integrate open source Matomo analytics tool with CMS software Joomla! and also how to add Matomo tracking code.
Joomla is one of the popular Content Management Systems. Integrating Matomo will help you get the insights of visitors’ behaviour on your website and increase the conversion.
You will need Matomo (Cloud or On-Premise) and Joomla. Click here for the guide on step by step installing open source Matomo on-premise. And click here to install Joomla!
Integrate Matomo Analytics to your Joomla website
Once you have installed both Matomo instance and Joomla! follow the steps below:
1. Download Joomla Matomo Plugin and extract it to “/tmp” folder inside Joomla directory and rename the folder to “itcs Matomo Plugin”
2. Log in to Joomla Administration
3. Hover over “Extension” from the top menu bar
4. Hover over “Manage” and click on “Install”
5. Click on “Install from folder”
6. Click on “Check and Install”
7. Make sure the folder “Joomla/plugins/system” is writable by your web server as the plugin will need to create a folder in this location
8. Once the installation is successful, hover over “Extension” from the top menu bar
9. Click on “Plugins” and enter “itcs Matomo Plugin” in the search
10. Select “itcs Matomo Plugin” and click on “Enable” on the top
11. Add website in Matomo Admin and Copy the Tracking code of your website by following the steps below:
a. Login to Matomo. Click on “All Websites” and then click on “Add a new website” link
b. Click on “Website”
c. Enter website details and Click submit. This will generate tracking code for website.
d. Go to Website -> Tracking Code and copy Tracking Code
e. Scroll down and Copy the JavaScript tracking code
f. Paste the Tracking code in below location
12. Click on “Save & Close”
13. Open your website in the browser and perform some actions (eg: navigate to different pages)
14. Log in to your Matomo and select your website from dropdown.
15. You will be able to see analytics for your website
Congratulations, you should now be successfully tracking visitors with Matomo Analytics through your Joomla site.
We have seen how to install Matomo analytics tool with Joomla! website. we have also covered how to register a new website with Matomo and get a tracking code for your Joomla! website.
Covered step by step with images how to install Joomla! Matomo integration plugin and insert tracking code to fetch analytics details for your website.