Moodle In A Nutshell

Administrator 1


Moodle is a web application used in educational settings. While this chapter will try to give an overview of all aspects of how Moodle works, it focuses on those areas where Moodle’s design is particularly interesting:

  • The way the application is divided into plugins;
  • The permission system, which controls which users can perform which actions in different parts of the system;
  • The way output is generated, so that different themes (skins) can be used to give different appearances, and so that the interface can be localised.
  • The database abstraction layer.

Moodle provides a place online where students and teachers can come together to teach and learn. A Moodle site is divided into courses. A course has users enrolled in it with different roles, such as Student or Teacher. Each course comprises a number of resources and activities. A resource might be a PDF file, a page of HTML within Moodle, or a link to something elsewhere on the web. An activity might be a forum, a quiz or a wiki. Within the course, these resources and activities will be structured in some way. For example they may be grouped into logical topics, or into weeks on a calendar.

Moodle Overview

Moodle can be used as a standalone application. Should you wish to teach courses on software architecture (for example) you could download Moodle to your web host, install it, start creating courses, and wait for students to come and self-register. Alternatively, if you are a large institution, Moodle would be just one of the systems you run. You would probably also have the infrastructure shown below

moodle infra
  • An authentication/identity provider (for example LDAP) to control user accounts across all your systems.
  • A student information system; that is, a database of all your students, which program of study they are on, and hence which courses they need to complete; and their transcript—a high-level summary of the results of the courses they have completed. This would also deal with other administrative functions, like tracking whether they have paid their fees.
  • A document repository (for example, Alfresco); to store files, and track workflow as users collaborate to create files.
  • An ePortfolio; this is a place where students can assemble assets, either to build a CV (resume), or to provide evidence that they have met the requirements of a practice-based course.
  • A reporting or analytics tool; to generate high-level information about what is going on in your institution.

Moodle focuses on providing an online space for teaching and learning, rather than any of the other systems that an educational organisation might need. Moodle provides a basic implementation of the other functionalities, so that it can function either as a stand-alone system or integrated with other systems. The role Moodle plays is normally called a virtual learning environment (VLE), or learning or course management system (LMS, CMS or even LCMS).

Moodle is open source or free software (GPL). It is written in PHP. It will run on most common web servers, on common platforms. It requires a database, and will work with MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle.

An Overview of How Moodle Works

Moodle Installation

A Moodle installation comprises three parts:

  1. The code, typically in a folder like /var/www/moodle or ~/htdocs/moodle. This should not be writable by the web server.
  2. The database, managed by one of the supported RDMSs. In fact, Moodle adds a prefix to all the table names, so it can share a database with other applications if desired.
  3. The moodledata folder. This is a folder where Moodle stores uploaded and generated files, and so needs to be writable by the web server. For security reasons, the should be outside the web root.

These can all be on a single server. Alternatively, in a load-balanced set-up, there will be multiple copies of the code on each web server, but just one shared copy of the database and moodledata, probably on other servers.

The configuration information about these three parts is stored in a file called config.php in the root of the moodle folder when Moodle is installed.

Moodle Architecture

The LAMP architecture

Moodle has been developed on the open source LAMP framework consisting of Linux (operating system), Apache (web server), MySQL (database), and PHP


Request Dispatching

moodle-requests dispatching
moodle-requests dispatching

Moodle is a web applications, so users interact with it using their web browser. From Moodle’s point of view that means responding to HTTP requests. An important aspect of Moodle’s design is, therefore, the URL namespace, and how URLs get dispatched to different scripts.

Moodle uses the standard PHP approach to this. To view the main page for a course, the URL would be .../course/view.php?id=123, where 123 is the unique id of the course in the database. To view a forum discussion, the URL would be something like .../mod/forum/discuss.php?id=456789. That is, these particular scripts, course/view.php or mod/forum/discuss.php, would handle these requests.

The alternative approach one could take is to have a single entry point …/index.php/[extra-information-to-make-the-request-unique]. The single script index.php would then dispatch the requests in some way. This approach adds a layer of indirection, which is something software developers always like to do. The lack of this layer of indirection does not seem to hurt Moodle.

Moodle Layer

Moodle distinguishes between code (mostly written in PHP, HTML, and CSS) and data (mostly value added via the Moodle interface). Moodle libraries, modules (such as resources and activities), blocks, plugins, and other entities are represented in code. It is always stored in the file system in a
Moodle directory referred to as dirroot

moodle layer

Database Abstraction

The “Hello world” script was sufficiently simple that it did not need to access the database, although several of the Moodle library calls used did do database queries. I will now briefly describe the Moodle database layer.

Moodle used to use the ADOdb library as the basis of its database abstraction layer, but there were issues for us, and the extra layer of library code had a noticeable impact on performance. Therefore, in Moodle 2.0 we switched to our own abstraction layer, which is a thin wrapper around the various PHP database libraries.

The moodle_database Class

The heart of the library is the moodle_database class. This defines the interface provided by the $DB global variable, which gives access to the database connection. A typical usage might be:

$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid));

That translates into the SQL:

SELECT * FROM mdl_course WHERE id = $courseid;

and returns the data as a plain PHP object with public fields, so you could access $course->id$course->fullname, etc.

Simple methods like this deal with basic queries, and simple updates and inserts. Sometimes it is necessary to do more complex SQL, for example to run reports. In that case, there are methods to execute arbitrary SQL:

$courseswithactivitycounts = $DB->get_records_sql(
   'SELECT, ' . $DB->sql_concat('shortname', "' '", 'fullname') . ' AS coursename,
        COUNT(1) AS activitycount
   FROM {course} c
   JOIN {course_modules} cm ON cm.course =
   WHERE c.category = :categoryid
   GROUP BY, c.shortname, c.fullname ORDER BY c.shortname, c.fullname',
   array('categoryid' => $category));

Some things to note there:

  • The table names are wrapped in {} so that the library can find them and prepend the table name prefix.
  • The library uses placeholders to insert values into the SQL. In some cases this uses the facilities of the underlying database driver. In other cases the values have to be escaped and inserted into the SQL using string manipulation. The library supports both named placeholders (as above) and anonymous ones, using ? as the placeholder.
  • For queries to work on all our supported databases a safe subset of standard SQL must be used. For example, you can see that I have used the AS keyword for column aliases, but not for table aliases. Both of these usage rules are necessary.
  • Even so, there are some situations where no subset of standard SQL will work on all our supported databases; for example, every database has a different way to concatenate strings. In these cases there are compatibility functions to generate the correct SQL.

Defining the Database Structure

Another area where database management systems differ a lot is in the SQL syntax required to define tables. To get around this problem, each Moodle plugin (and Moodle core) defines the required database tables in an XML file. The Moodle install system parses the install.xml files and uses the information they contain to create the required tables and indexes. There is a developer tool called XMLDB built into Moodle to help create and edit these install files.

If the database structure needs to change between two releases of Moodle (or of a plugin) then the developer is responsible for writing code (using an additional database object that provides DDL methods) to update the database structure, while preserving all the users’ data. Thus, Moodle will always self-update from one release to the next, simplifying maintenance for administrators.

One contentious point, stemming from the fact that Moodle started out using MySQL 3, is that the Moodle database does not use foreign keys. This allows some buggy behaviour to remain undetected even though modern databases would be capable of detecting the problem. The difficulty is that people have been running Moodle sites without foreign keys for years, so there is almost certainly inconsistent data present. Adding the keys now would be impossible, without a very difficult clean-up job. Even so, since the XMLDB system was added to Moodle 1.7 (in 2006!) the install.xml files have contained the definitions of the foreign keys that should exist, and we are still hoping, one day, to do all the work necessary to allow us to create them during the install process.

Moodle Deployment Architecture

Here is sample referrence deployment architecture for Moodle if you are using AWS.

moodle deployment architecture


I hope I have given you a good overview of how Moodle works. Hope this helps you!


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